Trick or Treat

Have I told you how much I love Halloween? I do. Ever since I was a little girl, I looked forward to it. It was then, and forever will be my favorite holiday.  Since I was in grade school, I insisted on making my own costumes from scratch. I would start planning months and months before on what I would be for the year. I loved the costumes, the crafting, and the cheesy decorations.  Before this neo-craft movement that is happening, it was the one day of the year that us creative gals got to let it out. Halloween is our time to shine.

My all time best homemade costumes were the following, in no particular order: Betty Boop with a handmade little dog, Jessica Rabbit wearing 6 inch stiletto heels holding a homemade bunny, a raver playboy bunny wearing plastic see-through gigantic-bottomed handmade pants, the old lady from Sit and be Fit, and most recently-Punky Brewster-which I won first place-thank you very much!

Now that I have two little ones, I am so excited that I get to pass down my love for diy.  And what better way to do so than by making them one-of-a-kind costumes.  It could mean an all nighter.  As much as it is hellish at that point, the outcome is worth it in the end.

Last year, my little girl was all about Hello Kitty.  So a Hello Kitty costume it was.  I worked on the project for a solid 2 months.  I made everything from scratch.  Everything that is, minus the uniform attire polo shirt. The hat turned out to be the trickiest.  It’s something about the curvature of the head that makes it difficult.  But all in all, I think it came out nice.  And she was the only Hello Kitty, and a pretty cute one, I might add.

Here she is complaining about her feet hurting and wanting to call it a night, typical preschooler.

This year, is the year of the fairy, so it seems. And my little one? Since he can’t speak, I get to decide for him. Yay! I am thinking Harold from Harold and the Purple Crayon.  Imagine white cardboard cutouts outlined in purple paint…

What day is it again?  Yikes!   Going from one deadline to another.  That is life for me.  But it’s a sweet crafty sorta life.

So tell me, what are you going to be?  And will you be diy’ing?

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