Stalking Martha

Note to self: I must have a bigillion Prisma pencils such as this,

organized and gradating in every color of the rainbow.

I MUST have shelves, upon shelves, upon shelves of orderly craft supplies, neatly displayed for easy use.

{via Pinterest}

I WILL have a craft/laundry room one day.  Is this not the best idea ever?!  I can imagine spending hours in there doing “laundry.”  This would be my happy place and the husband would never suspect.



Or even this sweet little nook will do.  Just as long as there are lockable doors.

What’s with the crafty spaces, you ask?

I had a busy weekend working on La Petite Maison projects.  And I have to say that it is really coming together!  So exciting!

But I digress.

I spent 5 hours making a coffee table.  Well, the first time that is.  Let me explain.

After holding the sides of the table to allow the glue to completely dry, I set it down on my makeshift work area.  I admired my work briefly before my five-year jumped on top of my bed, slid on my silky sheets and landed with a thump, like a giant on top of my masterpiece.

The second mishap was due to my husband not being able to see the tiny acrylic coffee table. In what seemed like slow motion, I yelled, “NOOOOO!” As his shoe kicked it clear across the room, breaking in several pieces.

Needless to say, I would kill for a craft room.  One where I could leave sharp things out and just lock the door!  One where I can create while sitting on an ergonomically correct chair without my back-breaking!  A space where everything has a place and where I have no worries!


So currently I am stalking Martha.  Here is her craft space.

Can you imagine what madness goes on in here?  I imagine that behind doors and inside drawers are the most spectacular things.  I am like a kid in a candy store just thinking of it.  I can smell her lavender-scented drawer liners and can feel the stacks of beautifully organized paper.  I am weak in the knees!


Watch out Martha I am watching you.

6 thoughts on “Stalking Martha

  1. Me too. I think she has multiple stalkers – for multiple reasons! At first, I thought you actually had all those pencils. Do you? That would be the MOST AWESOME thing EVER! I too, yearn for a craft room/closet/nook/secret hidey-hole of my own. Someday, my kids will grow up. And they WILL move out. Then I can use one of their bedrooms – don’t say anything, I’m sure they think their rooms are going to by shrines that I maintain precisely as they left it. But alas, Joey’s room will be for crafts, and Maddy’s room will be for yoga. Anyway, I remember seeing this craft room issue and thinking, “there really is perfection in this world, and its name is Martha Stewart.”

  2. Oh, I wish the pencil display was mine! Can you imagine how disorganized it would get with kids!? It would drive me crazy. I never thought about the fact that my kids will move out one day. So i will have my own craft room, one day 🙂

  3. Yes, one day. But even before that, there will be a time when the kids cease to be concerned with “your stuff.” Of course, I had many, many art supplies for the kids when they were little, and organizing them was always a challenge. Would it be child abuse to raise a child that replaced each and every pencil in its proper position? That wall of pencils is a work of art itself. As for me, the best I could ever do was train my kids not to eat their crayons!

  4. Oh, I’m totally with you. Our attic is currently being renovated (for 11 months now), so hubby works at the kitchen table and the dollhouse and I alternate from the dining room table to the coffee table. Good thing the coffee table is just IKEA, because it is destroyed. Destroyed. Poor thing could only take so much X-acto and glue and paint. If we ever actually finish the attic renovation, I’ll get a corner for my crafting area.

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