Be Still my Heart

Is it possible to fall in love with chairs? Because I think I love thee.

Love them in natural wood.

Love them in white paired with a farmhouse table.

Love them in lacquered black against the modern table!

So when I found a set of 6, of these gorgeous chairs for an unbelievably affordable price on CL, me heart dropped.  I quickly went to view them.  They looked even more elegant in person.  

I then sat, and proceeded to ignore the ever so slight sway.  Often, I boast about how they just don’t make furniture as sturdy as they used to.  It is how I justify buying vintage. But when I purchased these, I ignored the creaks that got louder as the days went by. And lately, though I love to entertain, I find myself not wanting to invite anyone over 100 pounds.  I shudder to think what could happen if the wrong person sat on my beautiful, old, fragile chairs.

Ok, I may be exaggerating just a little. But they do need to be taken apart and re-tightened.  Usually, I would gladly take on a project like this.  I’d actually love to teach myself how to re-cane.  But this time I am taking a practical approach {considering I do have a new baby.}  So it is with a heavy heart that I have decided to sell them to a good home.  One where they will be appreciated for the beauties that they are and perhaps lovingly restored to their full potential.

Farewell my loves.  It’s not you, it’s me. And remember, it is better to have loved than not loved at all.

Win Some :) Lose some :(

I am not sure exactly when my love for vintage first started.  I think it may have been as a kid frequenting thrift stores with my mom. She searched for a bargain, I looked for treasure.  Once I found a complete set of Bertoia Diamond chairs for $25 dollars. Cross my heart, I did. Yes, I do think my addiction started young. These days you will find me searching on Ebay and craigslist. LOVE, LOVE them!

Lookie, lookie what I won on Ebay today. A super sweet vintage pencil sharpener!

This little cutie is going in a five year olds pink and black bedroom whose favorite activity is coloring with Prisma pencils.  Feverishly she scribbles, coloring until the point is just a stump. I can’t wait for her to use it.  Pictures soon to come!