I’m a Giant: Check it out!

My current status on La Petite Maison is as it was on February first.  It’s currently on hold due to more pressing projects but I will finish, one day. So instead of posting mini pictures of my dollhouse, I’ll share some sick pics of a home with the uber-stylish tiles I used in my mini-kitchen.


Divine, are they not!?  Absolutely fabulous.


An amazing blogger who has a super cool mini-blog took hours (I bet) to compile all the I’m a Giant challengers.  It is my first time seeing many.  And I will be wasting many hours today going through them.  Check it out at Modern Mini Houses.

I’m a Giant: Blood, Sweat, & Tears

Remember way back when I first posted my mini-mood board?  How do you think it translated to room?  I think I can def pat myself on the back.  I love how these colors and patterns work together.  The blue and hot pink combo with subtle pattern really sing to me.
In this sad picture with a broken Eames and clock, you can see how the grandfather clock was stained an ebony black.  And now it’s a grey-teal.  I like it so much more this way.  The gold tone pops off it.
This is the picture that made me covet that acrylic coffee table.{via Lonny}

My acrylic table only has two sides right now.  And mine holds pretty blankets instead of housing books.  I will finish it one day.

And the gold, art deco motif wallpaper behind the Victorian mantle is not glued yet.  I ran out of electrical tape that will hide behind it.  One day.
Remember the kitchen mood board.  One could say that a blue based color is really inappropriate for a place where you cook and eat.  But what if it helps to keep you skinny?  Morbid thought, I know.  But seriously, has anyone tested this thought?  Would love to know!

I plan on adding a persian rug in bright red tones and some warmer pops in the artwork over the breakfast area.  Lots of little details that I have yet to finish here.  I posted the formal dining area back in december.  I thought the table needed to be brighter less woodsy.I love the bright table juxtaposed with the fiberglass chairs.  All I need is a working light pendant,a brass bar cart, a tablescape and I will be done.I do love how it has progressed.This watercolor wallpaper was pinned via pinterest by Mrs. Henderson. Initially, I planned on making my own water-colored paper.  But instead I went for a pre-made marbled paper.  And I am delighted that I did.  The colors are amazing-bright cheerful pastels with swirls of gold.  It is divine.  I picked this up at my local art store,  bought for a mere 3 bucks!  I had plenty left over to frame in my real house (pics soon to come.)  I plan on adding wainscoting to the walls.  The panelling frames the wallpaper like the beautiful work of art that it is.

Some day.Oh and remember my scary stairs?  I didn’t finish them!  Argh!  It the last big thing on my to-do list.  But it’s one of the most important features of the house.  Because, what is a colonial without stairs? Needless to say, I will be ecstatic when the stairs are installed.

Here is Blythe taking a bath.  We have since lost her pretty pink pumps. I posted about this swirly motif wallpaper here.  I drew it illustrator and doesn’t it fit so well? Love it for sure.This bedroom scheme was requested by the little misses-a.k.a my 6 year-old.It’s still a bit sparse. That white wall is begging for some interest.  But all in all I am lovin’ the direction.The inside of the dresser’s shelves are lined with leopard print remnants from the other bedroom.  I did this as much as possible, taking bits of color and pattern from one room to another. It makes the whole house flow.This last space I am probably the most lagging space planning and selection of furnishings.  It will come together.

One day.

I have to say that this is the first project where I chose the color story throughout the entire house. And I am so happy about how many pieces are interchangeable and could be switched into other rooms. The house’s palette is cohesive. And it was so much fun.

But the best part is my daughter’s reaction. Coming home from school she said, “My dollhouse is prettier than I ever thought it could be.”
And that means so much coming from her. And I look forward to finishing the house together, at a more relaxed pace. Just buying pieces as they find us-maybe while strolling through a garage sale or at an antique store. It’s not over just yet.

And if you are here for the first time and would like to see the whole process, click here.

I’m a Giant: From {shabby} to {bling!}

This is a long overdue before and after.  I started way back here.  But I ran into major problems with gold leafing.  The guy at the Art Supply store warned me that it would be difficult.  And I didn’t listen, nor did I read the instructions or even googled for a tutorial.  I just winged it.  My first attempt came out pretty smooth and nice on the exterior with the exception of a few spots that wouldn’t fully take the gold leaf.  I figured I could just add another layer. But then I tried leafing the inside of the open shelves and I couldn’t get the gold leaf to stick.  So I kept adding.

Layer. after. layer. after. layer.

And somewhere between those layers, I began to get frustrated and impatient.  You could see the caked up leaf in some spots by this point.  Stubbornly, I proceeded, confident that I could mask with yet another layer.

The husband, stopped in front of my work area one day and casually said,

“It looks like chunks of gold nuggets.”

He was right.

So, perfectionist that I am, I started to sand. and. sand. and. sand. And sand.

But the thing with gold leaf is that you have to apply a very sticky adhesive, so that the gold will stick.  And when you sand, the adhesive starts to come through like a big gooey mess.  So at this point I was considering trashing the whole dresser, but I couldn’t bring myself to not finish.  After 3(!) coats of stripper and 2(!) coats of Goo Begone, it was ready to be gold-leafed again.

And long story short,


Here is the finished dresser.

Phew!  I am exhausted just thinking about it.

I guess persistence does pay off.  But lesson learned, NEVER wing it, ALWAYS google.


Just a few more days till you see it in it’s proper setting.

Can’t wait to finish!

I’m a Giant: Yay! Lighting Kit Arrived!

Oh joy! Just in time for Christmas break, the kit arrives. I really wish that the little people who live inside the walls would help me install the teeny-tiny nails.  But I am so excited! I really am.

I will be taking the rest of the year off to work on some side projects.  I hope that you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

See you next year!

P.S. I have just updated my blogroll.  Recently, I have found some pretty great new blogs and have revisited some oldies {to me} but goodies.  Hope you enjoy!

I’m a Giant: Found Camera!

I just now found my camera cord, yay!  On to the eye-candy.

I shot these pictures today and it was pretty dark and cloudy, so bear with me.The kitchen isn’t done. I am working on a rug and a tablecloth. Plus I have ordered {2} black bentwood chairs to satisfy my fetish.  Oh and the wallpaper here will be amazing…I hope.

I love footed appliances.  Doesn’t it look like it’s going to walk away?  So cute.

The powder room is well under way. In retrospect, I should have bought a footed tub.  But sometimes you have to work with what you got.

I can’t wait to show-off the wallpaper.  It will be to die-for and totally made by me.

The chinnoiserie dining room is coming along. I know it doesn’t look chinnoiserie yet, but just wait.  There will be wallpaper along a core wall.  In fact, I only selected wallpaper for the core walls.  It’s sort of like a feature wall, though I actually prefer a head to toe pattern.  But in this instance, I felt that it was important to keep the exterior walls true to the architecture.

And this is the dressing room.  Though It is still bare, I love the understated femininity of the patterned carpet and the Eames.

So there you go.  Another tease sneak-peek before the new deadline of Feb.1st. I can’t wait myself to see these core walls up!

And if you have missed the process and are curios, click here.

Have a good weekend!!!

I’m a Giant: Technical Difficulties

It’s another picture-less post.  Can you believe that I lost my camera cord!?  Yup.  I planned on posting my progress since I did not fully finish building.  You see, I was expecting my electrical kit to come yesterday.  But today the seller informed me that he would be shipping on Saturday.  I had held off on putting up the walls because it seems that in a dollhouse you have to put th electricity behind the ‘sheetrock’ just like a real house.  There was no way that I would be completely finished by today.  But hooray for Emily’s news!    The deadline is extended to Feb.1st.  I love it and hate it when that happens.  On one hand you have more time.  But on the other…it could be over.

I did manage to get a lot done in the past few days.  The flooring is COMPLETELY installed and every room looks like a room.  I just need to finish putting in electrical, walls and stairs.  Oh and accessories.

Hopefully I will find my cord and post a few pictures tomorrow. But if not, have a lovely weekend! I know I will. My little girl turns 6! It’s amazing.

I’m a Giant: As the Sun comes Up

As I looked out of my studio window, I saw the beginning rays of daylight, puncturing through the wispy clouds.  I rubbed my tired eyes and  instantly knew.  Another  night had ended and the sun was coming up.

When I was in architecture school I wanted to write a documentary based on the weekly all-nighters that we endured.  Driven by passion and fear of failure, our class forged ahead.  I treasure those memories and find myself reminiscing on this late night.  It is the Eve of the I am a Giant challenge, and I may just have one of those nights.

See you tomorrow morning evening!

I’m a Giant: Mini-Project

Buried deep in my closet, I have a secret of sorts that is overflowing.  It is a box that holds supple leathers, silky fabrics, and strips of bass wood.  These lovely materials peek out in a magnificent array of colors and textures. I have carefully gathered these treasures overtime. And at the risk of sounding like a hoarder, I admit that it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to ‘save’ something in hopes of  repurposing.

Like this drainage mat below, for example, which a former co-worker of mine handed to me, while cleaning her desk.  I was going to put it up in the resource center’s miscellaneous box, but I somehow knew that I could make something with it for La Petite Maison.  I liked the sculptural form of the plastic.  And at first thought I was going to make mini-art with it.  But it was hard to manually cut.  So I held on to it for about a year.

Do you remember this project?  I had several of the tinyi-screws left over.  And somehow it came to me.  I would make a shower curtain that resembled this modern laser cut version.

I love the way that these translucent panels if laid-out  properly, could define a space.

I merged the screws and ‘panel.’ And voila!

This is definitely a more abstract version of the Tord Boontje panels.  But they look great in the space and are ever so lovely as a modern shower curtain.

Forgive me folks, but I am saving the big reveal for another two weeks.  So all you get for now is this mini-project peek.

I know, I am such a tease.

FRA–GI–LE…must be Italian

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…

I cannot get that song out of my head.  Especially today, while bringing down our Christmas decorations.  Aww, don’t you love this time of year?  The weather puts me in such a good mood.  I am taking off early tonight to start decorating, but before I go, I could not help and show you just 1 mini-decoration.

Isn’t she a beauty!? She works too!  And she will be proudly displayed at La Petite Maison.

Off to decorate.

…ev’ry where you go…